Posted on 1/16/2024
FIRE UPDATE: We Are Moving! As you may (or may not) know, back in November of 2023 there was a massive fire at our original location (687 Lofstrand Ln., Rockville MD 20850). And, while we were originally hoping to wait out the rebuilding process and reopen in our favored home, there simply was too much damage done to the building for that to be feasible & realistic. So we're going to have to pivot and, instead of staying put, we'll have to move. And, that's okay! We can pivot, we've done it before and we'll be happy to do so again - especially if it means we get to get back to our mission, to provide exceptional tailored automotive servic ... read more
Posted on 1/26/2021

Hey There, Motor Works Family! We hope you're all doing well, staying safe and sound. We know 2020 was a doozy, to put it mildly. So, we wanted to help put the focus on the positive in 2021, and are doing that with our Thankful Thursdays on Facebook. If you want to participate, it's super-simple - Just stop by the shop and fill out a slip or, shoot over an email if you prefer (or if you're still under lock-down/stay-home orders). Then, tune in to our Facebook page at noon (eastern time) on the 3rd Thursday of each month, and watch the positivity happen. * We'll be using the hashtags #ThankfulThursdays and #AttitudeOfGrattitude on all these posts for the whole year, so you'll be able to search up some positivity any time you need, no worries
Posted on 3/19/2020

We need to take a minute of your time to let you know that we're taking this current crisis very seriously, and we also want to let you know what we're doing to maintain everyone's wellness during these stressful and ever changing times. Wellness has always been a top priority here at Motor Works. Whether that be the wellness of your vehicle, our staff, or even you as a person - it's all important to us - and it all matters even more right now. We want you to be certain your car will be ready, and able, to get you where you need go, when you need to go there. Below we've listed out just a few of the things we're already doing to keep things running as smoothly as possible. If you have any suggestions (about ways we can help put minds at ease when bringing in a car for service, or just in general) please don't hesitate to give a call into the shop at: 301-424-2800, or, send over an email to: info ... read more
Posted on 3/12/2020

We started brainstorming and planning out our "40 Acts of Kindness" last year, as a way to celebrate our 40th anniversary, and say "thank you" to all of our wonderful clients for all the support they have given us over the years. We came up with all sorts of good ideas, and one really great one, that we decided to run with. A weekly drawing, with a twist. Drum roll please..... Starting Monday, March 16th we will begin 40 Weeks of Paying It Forward. *Check out Sara's announcement video HERE (also on our Facebook page & YouTube channel, if you prefer). The Details: Who: We narrowed down a list of our top 'VIP' Motor Works clients to 200* names. Then, your Client Care Coordinator Sara hand wrote each name on a slip of paper, put them all in a Motor Works Grocery bag, & "shook it like a Polaroid picture" ... read more
Posted on 2/25/2019

Dear Motor Works Family, Over the last 40 years (yes, we've really been here for that long!) we've made many changes and adjustments to the way we do what we do. We've added and subtracted brands to our line-up, upgraded our facilities, kept pace with - or been ahead of at times - the digital advancements in our industry, and so much more. Our clients have been central to all of these changes, have seen us through the good (and not so good) times, and we can't begin to thank them enough for all they do. As we prepared to go into our 40th year, we wanted to find ways to show our appreciation, and shake things up - just a bit. You may notice a new look to our website when you visit it, or, that there are Subaru vehicles in our bays being serviced when you stop by. Both additions were made quietly and slowly during 2018. In 2019, we want to specifically focus on our clients - as we wouldn't be able ... read more
Posted on 12/20/2018
As some of you may already know, Motor Works is traditionally closed the period between Christmas and New Year’s Day. Our last working day of 2018 will be Thursday December 20th. We plan to reopen Wednesday, January 2nd, at 7 am. No worries though - if you have an emergency while we are closed - please don't hesitate to call us at: 301-424-2800, or send an email to: [email protected]. These lines of communication are always monitored, and a team member will contact you as soon as possible. And now, for your viewing pleasure, a video reading of the poem "Twas the Week Before Christmas" (re-imagined by Greg Skolnik). Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday season & Safe Travels wherever you may go, from your Motor Works Family
Posted on 8/30/2017

MOTOR WORKS, INC. RECOGNIZED BY A.S.E. AS THE ONLY “BLUE SEAL OF EXCELLENCE” AUTO SERVICE BUSINESS IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Rockville, Maryland – Motor Works, Inc. has earned the prestigious “Blue Seal of Excellence” recognition awarded by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of vehicle repair and service by means of voluntary testing and certification for automotive repair and service professionals. More information about ASE can be found online at To be eligible for this recognition, a company must have no less than 75% of its automotive professionals ASE certified. In addition, the facility must have a certified technician in each area of services offered. To remain in the program, a business must confirm their p ... read more